Depreciation Calculator Pro
If you are looking for an affordable fixed asset depreciation program that calculates depreciation using both tax and GAAP (financial statement) depreciation methods and produces easy to read depreciation schedules, then our Depreciation Calculator Pro software is an excellent choice. Other depreciation programs have a significant learning curve to use them; however, our program is so simple to use that you will be up and running soon after installing the program. Here is a link to a review of Depreciation Calculator that appeared in the May 2018 issue of the CPA Practice Advisor - Click Here To Read Review.
Try Before You Buy. Download the free demo version: Click Here
Depreciation Calculator Pro has been fully updated to comply with the changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) legislation that affect the calculation of fixed asset depreciation, Section 179 deduction, First Year Bonus depreciation, and Section 199A.
Our software was designed and written with the focus on user-friendliness, functionality, and value. This is the only software we sell; therefore, it is our main focus. Our long-term goal is to keep Depreciation Calculator Pro up-to-date with the latest tax law changes that affect the calculation of depreciation, and to add the features that our customers most often request. The program is updated annually with all the changes in the tax law that affects the calculation of depreciation.
Depreciation Calculator is fully compatible with the Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems.
Our users consistently say they like the ease of use of our program. There are no confusing method codes to decipher when entering asset data, like some of our competitors. And they like the fact that our asset input form expands to full screen, making it easy to view and enter the information. Click here to read more about what our users have to say about Depreciation Calculator Pro.
Our depreciation software supports the following Federal and State tax depreciation methods: ACRS and MACRS. Depreciation calculations are made for both regular tax and alternative minimum tax (AMT) purposes.
The following depreciation methods are supported for GAAP (financial statement) depreciation purposes: straight-line and declining balance (125%, 150%, 175%, and 200%).
Our depreciation reports are well thought-out and easy to read. Reports are prepared on the basis of federal tax, state tax, and book (GAAP/financial statement) purposes for both regular tax and alternative minimum tax (AMT). And, they are printed in landscape mode to make reading them easier. In addition, the program prints IRS Forms 4562 and 4797 for use in tax return preparation.
Visit the other pages of our website to learn more about our fixed asset depreciation program and its features. A free demo of our fixed asset depreciation software is available for downloading also.